trade fair

FIBO Start with Innovative Echo from Taiwan

Taiwan Excellence makes its first appearance at the world's largest fitness trade show with a kick-off event at which ten companies presented their award-winning hi-tech products. FIBO visitors can expect a wealth of smart technological developments and a wide-ranging program over the course of four days. Taiwan Excellence launched its first-ever appearance at FIBO with a Grand Opening Press Conference showcasing the latest eco-friendly hi-tech fitness and rehabilitation equipment. The presentations on the first day of the show, kick off a four-day program that will give the expected 51,000 fair visitors the opportunity to experience the innovations of the participating companies from Taiwan. All of the fitness products on display are current winners of the Taiwan Excellence Award, which is presented by the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). Trade visitors...

Taiwan Excellence Award Winners to Feature Eco-Friendly Fitness Equipment for Hi-Tech Rehabilitation and Exercise at FIBO

Visitors of the world's largest fitness trade show can experience new standards in fitness innovation each day of the show at the Taiwan Excellence Pavilion The Taiwan Excellence Pavilion is set to open at FIBO 2023 in Cologne, Germany, the leading fitness trade show and a source of inspiration for the entire industry, with an activity-rich program. The Grand Opening Press Conference on Thursday, April 13, 11 am, Hall 7, Booth 7E35 with invited guests will be attended by journalists, buyers and VIPs. Representatives of the eleven companies that have been awarded the Taiwan Excellence Award by the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) will introduce their latest fitness innovations. Personal trainers will host product demonstrations and fitness sessions on all four days of the show with visitors invited to participate and experience the products and test their skills....

FIBO 2023 welcomes second largest export nation in the industry

Taiwan's companies shine with product innovations at world's leading trade show for fitness, wellness and health held in Cologne from April 13 to 16 Exhibitors and visitors from over 40 countries will once again gather in Cologne from April 13 to 16 to attend FIBO 2023, the leading trade show and driver for the entire fitness industry. With the significant market share of 10% of all global fitness equipment exports [1], the export nation of Taiwan will provide 11 companies with a platform to present their award-winning product innovations at the Taiwan Excellence Pavilion. The Taiwan Excellence award organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), reflects the importance and self-confidence of Taiwan’s industry. In the fitness equipment sector alone, products worth more than one billion U.S. dollars are annually exported to world markets - and the trend is...

Taiwan is Leaning to the Forefront of Global Medical Technology and E-Health

TAITRA presents Taiwanese innovations and heralds product launch at MEDICA 2022 Whether in preventive medicine, telemedicine or artificial intelligence, Taiwan is emerging as a global leader of e-health and medical technology at a fast pace. Thanks to extensive research and technical know-how, the island nation in East Asia is shining with its innovations to become the industry's own superpower. The motivation for Taiwan's innovative strength is primarily based on the needs of other countries. Due to the increasing demand for elderly care, e-health and health care, the global market for medical devices will experience continuous...

Smart, Digital and Green: Taiwan is an Important Trading Partner for Germany

Leading companies from Taiwan present latest innovations at K 2022 Düsseldorf/Taipei, 20. October 2022 – Whether beverage bottles, cosmetics containers, medical products, construction elements or recycling: on the second day of K 2022, the largest trade fair for the plastics and rubber industry, which takes place from 19 to 26 October in Düsseldorf, leading companies from Taiwan presented their latest innovations from the plastics and rubber machinery industry. The product launch took place at a press conference organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade , Ministry of Economic Affairs, and implemented by the Taiwan External Trade...

Der VDMA auf der interpack 2014 - 8. bis 14. Mai in Düsseldorf

Einladung zur Pressekonferenz Wann: Mittwoch, den 07.Mai 2014, 09:30 – 10:15 Uhr Wo: Forum im innovationparc packaging, SAVE FOOD VDMA-Präsident, Dr. Reinhold Festge, informiert Sie über die wirtschaftliche Lage des deutschen Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus, aktuelle Themen wie Forschung & Entwicklung und Ausbildung sowie die neuesten Trends und Innovationen in der Technologielounge des Fachverbandes. Er präsentiert darüber hinaus die Ergebnisse der jüngsten VDMA Umfrage zur Produktpiraterie 2014 mit dem Fokus auf Nahrungsmittelmaschinen und Verpackungsmaschinen. Friedbert Klefenz, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Fachabteilung...

Neuer Bereichsleiter Messe bei dimedis

dimedis engagiert Klaus Friedrich Meier – Leiter des Bereichs Messelösungen – Stärkung des Messe- und Event Bereichs Köln, den 23. November 2012 – Seit Oktober 2012 ist Klaus Friedrich Meier neuer Bereichsleiter Messelösungen beim Softwarehaus dimedis. Meier ist verantwortlich für die Projektteams für die Kunden Messe Düsseldorf, Dortmunder Westfalenhallen, Reed Exhibitions und Stockholm Maessan. Auch die Weiterentwicklung der FairMate-Produktgruppe liegt in seiner Hand. Mit dem konsequenten Ausbau der Tools und der Funktionalitäten der FairMate Produkte und Dienstleistungen, soll die Beziehung zu den existierenden...

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