Stefan Kühn: Anlagen in Zeiten von Inflation und Niedrigzinsen "Megatrends"

Neue digitale Technologien verändern die Welt, wie wir sie kennen. Moderne Unternehmen werden diesen Megatrend in allen Bereichen erleben. 1.Technologischer Wandel Angetrieben durch Fortschritte im Cloud Computing, Big Data, in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) und durch das Internet der Dinge (Internet of Things, IoT). Diese Veränderungen betreffen FinTech-Unternehmen genauso wie den elektronischen Handel (E-Commerce) oder das Gesundheitswesen. In der Medizin führte die Digitalisierung zu schnelleren und genaueren Diagnosen. Aber auch verbesserte medizinische Behandlungen und die Gen -Therapie sind Resultate des digitalen Fortschritts. Das Aufkommen der Kryptowährungen und des Digitalen € werden das Bankwesen revolutionieren. Die Hackerattacken auf kritische IT-Infrastrukturen wird dem Bereich IT-Security Auftrieb geben! In der Automobilindustrie beschleunigten digitale Technologien die Verbreitung von Elektrofahrzeugen (Stichwort E-Mobilität)...

Dubai Court of the First Instance update. Reference: RICHARD R. COX; HERMANN C. SEILER; K. K. JAJODIA

The Dubai Court of the first Instance published the second notice of summons in a local gazette concerning Case No 342/2012 a claim filed by Mr. Allen Kemp against Mr. Hermann Seiler, Mr. Richard Cox and Mr. K.K. Jajodia wherein the defendants Cox and Jajodia are summoned to attend the court in person or in proxy on September 12, 2012. Mr. Seiler answered the Court through his representative at the previous court hearing on Wednesday, 18/07/2012 and is expected to attend the court hearing on September 12, 2012 either in person or in proxy to respond to the claim. The claimant Allen Kemp named Hermann Seiler, Richard Cox, and K.K. Jajodia as respondents; in brief the statement of claim relates breach of contract, breach of non-circumvention non-disclosure agreement, the diversion of business in relation to funds facilitated by the Abu Dhabi Royal Family and all business stemming from such breaches. Allen Kemp is represented by Mr. Salem Abdull...

Dubai Court Summons: Hermann Seiler, Richard Cox, KK Jajodia

A Court summons was published by the Dubai Court of the First Instance in Arabic in the Arabic daily newspaper Al Khaleej on July 1, 2012 and was also published by the plaintiffs representative in English in The Gulf Today newspaper, print version, on July 5, 2012 A claim lodged in the Dubai Court named Hermann Seiler, Richard Cox, and KK Jajodia as respondents for breach of contract, breaches of non-circumvention non-disclosure agreement, and the diversion of business in relation to funds facilitated by the Abu Dhabi Royal Family, and all business stemming from such breaches. The Notice read: Government of Dubai; Dubai Court of the first Instance 02-06-2012 NO: 49786 SUMMONS OF DEFENDANT BY PUBLICATION IN THE GAZETTE CONCERNING CASE NO 342/2012, FULLY CIVIL TO THE DEFENDANTS: RICHARD ROBERT COX; HERMANN KLAUS SEILER; KRISHNA KUMAR JAJODIA; WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN PLAINTIFF: ALLEN RAYMOND KEMP, REPRESENTED BY: SALEM ABDULLA SULTAN ALI ALHAMMADI The...

Dubai Court Summons: Hermann Seiler, Richard Cox, KK Jajodia

A Court summons was published by the Dubai Court of the First Instance in Arabic in the Arabic daily newspaper Al Khaleej on July 1, 2012 and was also published by the plaintiffs representative in English in The Gulf Today newspaper, print version, on July 5, 2012 A claim lodged in the Dubai Court named Hermann Seiler, Richard Cox, and KK Jajodia as respondents for breach of contract, breaches of non-circumvention non-disclosure agreement, and the diversion of business in relation to funds facilitated by the Abu Dhabi Royal Family, and all business stemming from such breaches. The Notice read: Government of Dubai; Dubai Court...

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