Legal services

Ukrainian Parliament increases fines connected to foreign citizen registration obligations

Parliament of Ukraine has approved a bill to increase significantly administrative fines for the following types of actions: - violation of the procedures. If employment procedure, admission for education, granting of housing, status registration, is not correctly issued for foreign citizens and stateless citizenship in Ukraine by enterprises or company executives a fine from 1700 to 3400 UAH is imposed; - overdue registration of a foreigner. If a foreign citizens or persons without any citizenship are invited for private purposes and are to be provided with an accommodation has to pay from 340 to 680 UAH penalties if not in time registered. - housing or transport registration violation provided to foreign employees. If the order of housing, means of transport and assistance in obtaining of other services was granted to a foreign citizens or persons without any citizenship and not registered according to Ukrainian law a fine from 1020...

Does WTO improve chances for grain farming in Ukraine?

Traditionally agriculture plays a strong roll for Ukraine’s economy. At the moment it is still hard to forecast which impact the WTO membership will have for which parts of the Ukrainian farming industry. The door opened now a bit wider for Ukrainian farm produce exports to the close EU markets. Surely unproductive companies will encounter harder competition. Farmers where used so far to receive direct and even more indirect subsidies, which have to be reduced after all WTO rules will be implemented. Therefore production might shrink in the first years slightly. Anyhow this might turn out to be actually a long term advantage since reforms and investments will be forced. Politics are still very reluctant on reforms since more than a forth of the workforce is employed in agricultures. As a big grain producer, Ukraine profits at the moment on the high grain market prices. Especially the most common grain sorts, sunflower seeds and rape seeds...

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