
Artikel 15: Weshalb ich an elementaren Menschenrechten festhalte

Artikel 15: Weshalb ich an elementaren Menschenrechten festhalte Von Andreas Klamm Washington, D.C. / New York / London/21. Oktober 2008/3mnewswire.org/--. Für viele Menschen ist es offenbar nicht nachvollziehbar weshalb ich an der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechten der United Nations (UN, Vereinte Nationen) in New York City festhalte. Das ist ganz sicher auch eine Frage des Glaubens und des Gewissens. Obgleich ich nur Journalist, Autor und Moderator und kein Jurist bin, glaube ich daran, dass die Allgmeine universelle Erklärung der Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen weltweit und damit auch in Deutschland gültig ist. Kein  Mensch wird wohl bestreiten, dass auch Deutschland ein Teil der Welt ist. Von Geburt an, bin ich Französisch – Deutscher Bürger, ein Fakt, den keine Macht in dieser Welt auch die deutsche Bundesregierung und die mächtigste Frau der Welt, laut dem US-Magazin FORBES, Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel...

People need to be informed about their human rights and they need to know how to claim their human rights

People need to be informed about their human rights and they need to know how to claim their human rights By Andreas Klamm New York / London / Paris. October 8, 2008/3mnewswire.org/-- People need to be informed about their human rights and they need education in human rights. Thomas Hammarberg, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights has published a statement in concern of the human rights and how people should claim their humman rights. Thomas Hammarberg, Council of Europe Commissioner for the Human Rights has declared: "Human rights can only be realized if people are informed about their rights and know how to use them. Education about human rights is therefore central to the effective implementation of the agreed standards. While this was emphasized 60 years ago when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted, we are still far from ensuring that people know their rights and understand how to claim them. The good...

40th Anniversary: Michael Heise from Per Aspera fighting for human rights since 40 years

40th Anniversary: Michael Heise from Per Aspera fighting for human rights since 40 years By Andreas Klamm New York / London / Berlin. The author and artist Michael Heise is fighting for human rights since 40 years. About 40 years ago in 1968 he has founded the human right organization Per Aspera in the city of Giessen in Germany. He is a member of Amnesty international and the American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU) and other famous organizations throughout the world. The human right organization Per Aspera is active in North America, Asia, Pakistan and in Germany. Michael Heise is an author of several books and artist. Some of his paintings and pictures are exhibited in the Museum for Modern Art in New York City in the United States of America. In December 2008 in co-operation with Amnesty international and other human right organization Per Aspera´s Michael Heise wants to give away 100.000 white roses in the „White Roses Campaign...

08.10.2008: | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Is there a war on democracy? - German Military will fight against demonstrators in Germany

Is there a war on democracy? German Military will fight against demonstrators in Germany Berlin. (red / and). October 7, 2008. The German military forces, Bundeswehr, will in the future be used against demonstrators in Germany if they are accounted as a threat to national security or perhaps even accounted as so called ?terrorists?. On the decision of the coalition committee at the weekend, the Germany Military, called Bundeswehr will also contribute to domestic security operation, said Ulla Jelpke, a journalist and domestic policy spokesman of the left-wing political party THE LEFT: "With the decisions of the Coalition Committee,...

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