
Manuel Hachenburger informs: Do these become, Hartz IV and ALG II receivers by the state deceived?

The Hartz IV and ALG II rate became, to 01 July 2009, increased from 351 euros to 359 euros! This is not so correct: "The additional costs got in the flat rate are according to instructions of the BMAS of 18 May 2009 to decrease the national rate with 1.89%"! These are uniformly 6.79 euros at a rent of approx. 300 euros. You got 8 euros more and the state gives you only 1.21 euros. There is no compensation for your telephone and Internet costs. These, amount to euros per month at a flat rate approx. 40 - 45. The current is not paid either, this costs approx. 50 euros in the month. This is a violation of the man dignity (article 1 constitution) and a violation of the inviolability of the flat article 13 constitution. Which activities are regarded as reasonable? (Sound Code of Social Law everyone) Therefore this one, 1 euro jobs, unpaid traineeships, unpaid further educations or even contracts with temporary work companies, these...

Does the Hartz IV rate or ALG II performance of the constitution represent?

? Direct candidate for the parliamentary elections on 27 September 2009 in the constituency 177, betting rough! (Hartz IV) is this one, ALG II, rate, unconstitutionally and was fixed arbitrarily, since all costs are not contained in this rate, to be this one taken into account as per article 1 constitution to the protection of the human dignity! The Hartz IV rate is, attached too lowly at least by 100 euro. There are 351 euros at this one, time as of July 2009, it is 359 euros, must be at least 460 euros it! There is not a refund, the telephone, Internet and cost of electricity; and is not included in the Hartz IV rate! It is valid demand and promote the principle. An applicant needs a telephone and or Internet connection to this end. The costs of the individual line or this one, Flat are not instalment includedly in the rate! The applicant must bear these costs. As a rule, it is 40 - 45 euros per month! Are the current essentially,...

Manuel Hachenburger informs: Imprisonment by the insult on the Internet!

Article 5 of the constitution guarantees the opinion and freedom of the press; Liberty of the art and science. These rights find your level-crossing barriers para. 2 in the prescriptions of the general laws, the legal regulations to the protection of the youth and in the right of the personal honour. You have to observe the valid laws at your right to freedom of speech, otherwise severe punishments are due. The § 12 BGB guarantees the named right, to which names also belong to family armses. In principle, it is on copyright protected for the names, a copyright he also can be a trademark, or what. If an originator right protection clause is in the home page, caution is advisable. Also notice the articles 1 - 2 of the general equality law and article 10 of the constitution, the privacy of letters as well as the post and secrecy of telecommunications are inviolable. You celebrate a criminal offence if they hurt the originator...

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