
DIALOG um »Wiedergutmachung« am »RUNDEN TISCH HEIMERZIEHUNG« in Berlin. Wer darf teilnehmen - und wer nicht ?

Ausschlaggebender ! GERICHTSTERMIN im Berliner Kammergericht ( Berlin-Schöneberg ) Donnerstag 13.08.2009, 10:00 Uhr, ( im wesentlich betreffend: ) »VEREIN EHEMALIGER HEIMKINDER e.V.« -v- ANTJE VOLLMER bzw. Verein ehemaliger Heimkinder e.V. ./. Runder Tisch Heimerziehung in den 50er und 60er Jahren GbR *** im Kampf um das Recht des Vereins an der Teilnahme am »DIALOG« / »DISKURS« / »DISKUSSION« / »BESPRECHUNG« / »VERHANDLUNG« / »NEGOTIATION« mit Staat und Kirchen und Großunternehmen ( »Verursachern« und »Anspruchsgegnern« ) um »Rechenschaftsablegung«, »authentische, ernsthafte und vollständige Geschichtsaufarbeitung«, »Schuldanerkenntnis«, »aufrichtige Entschuldigung«, »Sühne tun«, »Wiedergutmachung leisten«, »Entschädigung leisten«, »Schadenersatz zahlen« – »a total apolgy and all that is part of that« ( was damit gemeint ist kann in dem im Jahre 2004 in der englischen Sprache herausgebrachten Sachbuch...

12.01.2009: | | | |

Manuel Hachenburger informs: Compensation for the distribution of viruses on the Internet

Manuel Hachenburger informs: Compensation for the distribution of viruses on the Internet This one, deliberate or unintentional, viruses sent are liable everybody. This applies to the companies and the private persons. You are liable for damages here. An example: You get a contaminated mail, the consigner is liable (IP - address and computer number) here now they send one mail viruses scanner turned off have hers, they are liable now. (Ignorance does not protect negligence from punishment). Whether they knew that the mail had viruses or not does not matter either! Another case: You take viruses to circulation with a full intention, to damage others (gross negligence) in this case you must expect severe punishments. In first case it is possibly this, you be taken to court for compensation civil law can and in the second case they are sued. You always pay attention - to it this you viruses scanner works. They have an update at good...

Manuel Hachenburger informs: Imprisonment by the insult on the Internet!

Article 5 of the constitution guarantees the opinion and freedom of the press; Liberty of the art and science. These rights find your level-crossing barriers para. 2 in the prescriptions of the general laws, the legal regulations to the protection of the youth and in the right of the personal honour. You have to observe the valid laws at your right to freedom of speech, otherwise severe punishments are due. The § 12 BGB guarantees the named right, to which names also belong to family armses. In principle, it is on copyright protected for the names, a copyright he also can be a trademark, or what. If an originator right protection clause is in the home page, caution is advisable. Also notice the articles 1 - 2 of the general equality law and article 10 of the constitution, the privacy of letters as well as the post and secrecy of telecommunications are inviolable. You celebrate a criminal offence if they hurt the originator...

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