Manuel Hachenburger informs: Imprisonment by the insult on the Internet!

Article 5 of the constitution guarantees the opinion and freedom of the press; Liberty of the art and science.

These rights find your level-crossing barriers para. 2 in the prescriptions of the general laws, the legal regulations to the protection of the youth and in the right of the personal honour.

You have to observe the valid laws at your right to freedom of speech, otherwise severe punishments are due.

The § 12 BGB guarantees the named right, to which names also belong to family armses.

In principle, it is on copyright protected for the names, a copyright he also can be a trademark, or what. If an originator right protection clause is in the home page, caution is advisable.

Also notice the articles 1 - 2 of the general equality law and article 10 of the constitution, the privacy of letters as well as the post and secrecy of telecommunications are inviolable. You celebrate a criminal offence if they hurt the originator right protection without permission. Mails to you are private all letters and E, this also applies to fora on the Internet. There are public and private areas.

Publish this information, they celebrate a criminal offence. An advocate becomes in a cheap estimation fix the sum in dispute. It comes to the negotiation, they are previously convicted and still get an action for damages.

The sentence is described in the Criminal Code § § 185 - 200. The sentence is described in the Criminal Code § § .

You or the forum operator were already invited to remove the entry and they have already got a punishing armoured failure explanation, however, it does not react, gets expensive! The forum operator and you get a caution by an advocate and an action for damages. It does not play a role in this, how long already on the Internet was the entry to see.
Broad information about me under

Yours sincerely

Manuel Hachenburger
Hchwaldstraße 4
61231 Bad Nauheim
Telefon + Telefax
+49 60 32 7 15 63

Über Hachenburger

Benutzerbild von Hachenburger




Hochwaldstraße 4
61231 Bad Nauheim
Telefon + Telefax
+49 60 32 7 15 63


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