
Deutsche Sportler Alkoholiker?

Brauchen deutsche Sportler Bier? Beängstigende Korrelation entdeckt Die Zeitungen sind voll mit Nachrichten daß der Bierverbrauch in Deutschland von Jahr zu Jahr geringer wird. Was als Errungenschaft für die körperliche und geistige Gesundheit dargestellt wird, scheint eine gravierende negative Beeinflußung auf die Wettkampftauchlichkeit deutscher Sportler zu haben. Für einen Vergleich wurde die Anzahl gewonnener Medaillen bei den olympischen Sommerspielen dem deutschen Bierkonsum gegenübergestellt. Die Sommerspiele wurden ausgewählt da bei diesen mehrere Sportarten ausgetragen werden und damit eine relativ einfache aber representative Menge durch das deutsche Sportangebot gebildet werden kann. Für den Bierkonsum wurde der Bierverbrauch pro Kopf bestimmt da er einen einfachen Vergleich zwischen wirklich gebrauter Literzahl und Einwohnern ermöglicht. Einwohner spezifische Veränderungen wie steigende Anzahl von Kindern oder Rentner sind...

TaraxaA for Endurance and Focus

TaraxaA is carefully designed to provide you with all the energy you need during high intense sportive activities or round-the-clock work. TaraxaA is a proprietary blend of natural herbs, amino acids and B-vitamins. It combines a thermogenesis matrix of metabolism-boosting natural components for weight-loss effectiveness and powerful energy. Extraordinary muscle building components and natural ingredients help enhance alertness and sharpen mental acuity. These additional efforts have yielded a unique, multi-pathway synergy never before seen in our industry. Unleash yourself with most powerful energizer money can buy, TaraxaA. The powerful energizer delivers 12 hours of smooth clean energy day or night. TaraxaA works like no other supplement. You do not get the jitters or crash after some short hours. What you do get is the energy to go nonstop all day long coupled with a good night sleep. TaraxaA will begin working instant…you will immediately...

Five Steps to Become Rich

It’s all what it takes What Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill wrote in their books was already summarized by Wallace D. Wattles years before. In 1910 he wrote “The Science to Getting Rich” a small booklet of 60 pages which would be a number one bestseller today. The book is written in easy understandable English and can be read in less than an hour even from an untrained reader. Wattles examples of rich are directed in the way that money would be the most important value to have. But rich can be a synonym of other important things people wish to have. Like having more time, being healthier, having better relationships, being more educated, living in other places etc. Reprints can be found on the internet for less than 5 US$. Or find a free copy at http://www.TaraxaA.net. What in a nut shell is it all these great authors are telling us about? 1. You Must Act If you don’t act right you don’t get the results you desire. Are you...

How to Take Medicine

How to Take Medicine The recommendation on the bottle, blister or instruction leaflet could be like:” take two capsules with a glass of water”. It is so easy to understand and to do, at least for the most of us. Not so for my son. Yes, he understands he has to swallow the capsules and drink the amount of water which fits into a normal sized glass or cup with the capsules. The difference is between theory and practice. Between understanding and doing. You don’t understand what can be done wrong? It is just as easy as we explained it. Yes, for you, but not for him. Imagine this. A teenager, six foot 4, 210 pounds stays in...

TaraxaA-Not just a Supplement

The new easy to swallow capsules are quite simple one good energizer. Engineering, content, safety and power are important to just any buyer, but the appeal is often what ultimately determines what capsules end up in your mouth. The ultra-stylish TaraxaA, which is arrived last July, features an abundance of quality and should advance LymBurg’s reputation as a builder of artistic, as well as practical products. No matter the power plant, TaraxaA offers a respectable measure of performance. Hitting full energy from a standstill takes less than 30 minutes a number that can even be reduced by taking onto an empty stomach. The daily serving...

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