
Tip-Talk.Com: Swan Group of Companies, Inc. "Back To the Roots"

Tip-Talk Community Nachtrag : Swan Group of Companies Inc. SWAN GROUP OF COMPANIES zurück im Mediengeschäft Swan Group of Companies Inc. / Personalie/Strategische Unternehmensentscheidung 7.1.2011 Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News, übermittelt durch die Im Jahr 2010/11 hat sich die SWAN Unternehmensgruppe auf Musik, Veröffentlichungen, TV und Film, Nachrichten und eine Vielzahl von bekannten und aufstrebenden Projekten aus dem Bereich der Neuen Medien IPTV/ konzentrieren. Las Vegas (USA) / Frankfurt am Main (Deutschland), 07. Januar 2011 - SWAN Group of Companies, Inc. (OTC: SWNG; 'SWAN Group' oder die 'Gesellschaft') baut derzeit verschiedene Beteiligungen und Kooperationen in der weltweiten Entertainment- und Freizeitindustrie auf. SWAN strebt die Schaffung einer stabilen Medien Informations Plattform an, auf der die unterschiedlichen Gesellschaften durch Kooperationen Synergien gewinnen können....

Indenture Shareholder Information

Frankfurt am Main 8th Dec. 2010. As of today the company has distributed the following information to its shareholderbase from the companies From The desk of the President: Dear Shareholders, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted by the confidence and trust Indenture have bestowed on me by appointing me President of the company. I am aware this task will entail significant challenges whilst being certain of the countless opportunities ahead. These opportunities under the correct management afford Indenture the prospect of restoring shareholders belief in the future of the company. A business incubator and holding company mainly lives and thrives from the quality and the network of its management team. Therefore it has been one of my key concerns to combine the restructuring of Indenture into its 2 divisions with an innovative dynamic and actively supportive management team. This has been achieved by the...

Indenture Shareholder Information

Frankfurt am Main 8th Dec. 2010. As of today the company has distributed the following information to its shareholderbase from the companies From The desk of the President: Dear Shareholders, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted by the confidence and trust Indenture have bestowed on me by appointing me President of the company. I am aware this task will entail significant challenges whilst being certain of the countless opportunities ahead. These opportunities under the correct management afford Indenture the prospect of restoring shareholders belief in the future of the company. A business incubator and holding company mainly lives and thrives from the quality and the network of its management team. Therefore it has been one of my key concerns to combine the restructuring of Indenture into its 2 divisions with an innovative dynamic and actively supportive management team. This has been achieved by the...

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