wind energy

»Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems« startet zum Wintersemester 2015/16

Für Herausforderungen in der Windenergie gerüstet – Neuer Studiengang vermittelt Fraunhofer-Know-how Die Windenergie ist eine der wichtigsten erneuerbaren Energiequellen. Die Branche hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren rasant entwickelt und leistet bereits heute einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Stromversorgung. Aktuell fehlen auf dem europäischen Arbeitsmarkt jedoch etwa 7.000 Fachkräfte, die sich mit der Planung und dem Bau von Windkraftanlagen auskennen. Eine Zahl die sich bis 2030 laut der European Wind Energy Association EWEA versiebenfachen wird. Um dem Fachkräftemangel entgegenzuwirken und aktuelles Forschungswissen in diese relativ neue Branche zu bringen, hat die Fraunhofer Academy gemeinsam mit dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik IWES und der Universität Kassel den neuen, internationalen Studiengang »Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems« entwickelt, der im Oktober erstmalig startet. Deutschland gilt als...

Reactive Current for the Middle Kingdom

PCS Green Line 1000 Proves Itself in China’s Largest Trial Wind Park Berlin, July 2011 – The PCS Green Line 1000 reactive current converter is undergoing tests at the NWIC National Wind Power Integration and Test Center operated by the China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI). Located in Zhangbei in mainland China, NWIC tests and certifies the grid compatibility of wind turbines under Chinese operating conditions. Even the harshest climatic conditions occasioned neither thermal nor any electric disturbances – proving the high reliability of PCS power converters. On the Chinese market, which has experienced brisk growth for several years now, an intense effort is underway to develop feed-in directives for wind turbines and their feasibility in the field. In sync with the steady increase in renewable energy production, the technological requirements in regenerative energy are mounting. For renewable energy sources need to face up...

Acquaint all the latest renewable information with ‘New-energy-portal’

The recently founded Web Portal aims to become one of the fastest growing Websites on Renewable Energy in the Internet. Its goal is to support development, networking and provide information on the entire field of Renewable Energy, both for companies and businesses, as well as for home owners and consumers. New Energy Portal has four main sections. The first one is the News section, which is regularly updated with the most recent news from all over the world on different discoveries, explorations, economics and events all around Renewables. The second section is a standard information platform for home-owners and consumers, who consider covering their energy demands partly or entirely by self-installed renewable energy devices and hence wanting to inform themselves about the available and affordable technologies. These first two parts are mere information oriented sections of NEP. The third and fourth sections are...

Find, Found, Found - The Most Comperhensive Renewable Energy Directory

New Energy Portal is the new, resourceful and comprehensive business directory in the field of renewable energies. The complete directory is based on an easy to understand click through basis. It does not matter if you are looking for LED Lighting Suppliers from China, or Wind Turbine Operators in South America, you can find it in our directory. For companies interested in registering themselves for our renewable energy company directory, we have three different types of listing. Firstly we have a free listing. Free listings are mainly aimed at renewable energy companies in developing countries to opening up a chance to attain more...

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