Bobbelsche Friends

Tom Barcal! His first single „Sag mir, wo das Land ist" [Tell me where the land is]

With the song „Sag mir, wo das Land ist“ [Tell me where the land is] Tom Barcal lanches his first single onto the market on Friday, February 12th 2010. Being deeple touched by the tragic earthquake hitting Haiti he spontaneously decided to launch this track online - which is part of the album he's currently working at - prior to the official release date. Tom Barcal sings this extraordinary title together with 11 year old Lena Skok. The lyrics express in a very complex and genuinely sympathetic way all the emotions assailing to people in boundary situations! And the music encorporates in a very impressive way the deep meaning of Tom Barcal's first release. Already for some years Tom supports people in need and engages in various projects. This song underlines in a very plausible way that Tom is always particularly committed and stands straight for the things he approaches! The video clip for the song will be produced at the end of this...

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