convergent billing

Sunrise deploys Orga Systems’ real-time charging and billing platform OPSC Gold

Orga Systems enables full monetisation of prepaid voice and data services for Swiss mobile network operator Paderborn (Germany), 26 June 2012: Sunrise, the largest private telecommunications provider in Switzerland, has started to upgrade to Orga Systems’ OPSC Gold real-time billing and charging platform to enable full monetisation of prepaid voice and data services as well as supporting Sunrise customer loyalty strategy in the prepaid sector. Sunrise will also deploy Orga Systems’ Next Generation Control Point (NGCP), 3GPP compliant, real-time data charging to support growing demand for data services. The new systems will be...

Orga Systems double winner at Pipeline Innovation Awards 2012

Paderborn (Germany), 23 May 2012: Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, won two awards at the prestigious Pipeline Innovation Awards 2012, announced 21 May. Orga Systems won the “Best Deployment” category for its Next Generation Control Point (NGCP) unified charging and billing platform, which helped Ukrainian operator, life:) increase charging performance by 300% and drop customer complaints by 75%. Orga Systems also received the “Advanced Connectivity” award for its OS.Automotive in-car service billing innovations for a leading car manufacturer’s connected cars. Dubbed the most credible and objective...

Orga Systems launches end-to-end Interconnect billing solution

Paderborn (Germany), 21 May 2012: Orga Systems, a leading provider of convergent real-time charging and billing solutions for telecommunications, has released OS.Interconnect; an end-to-end interconnect billing solution developed to help CSPs manage their interconnect business. Not only does it offer a fully integrated suite of interconnect management tools, its streamlined billing efficiencies prevent wasted revenues by ensuring every call is captured, rated and invoiced correctly. Using OS.Interconnect, Orga Systems estimated it can help CSPs maximise interconnect margins up to a double digit number. Expand business, increase efficiency...

Orga Systems showcases at Metering, Billing/CRM Asia 2012

Paderborn (Germany), 10 April 2012: Orga Systems, Gold Sponsor of Metering, Billing/CRM Asia 2012, will be showcasing its Dynamic Energy Billing in Bangkok, Thailand. The showcase will demonstrate dynamic pricing and real-time rating of consumption data to support the growing adoption of Smart Grids and Smart Metering technology. It provides dynamic tariff capabilities to improve the efficiency of energy generation, distribution and usage. The challenge: Finding the right business case The electricity industry is changing rapidly – forcing utility companies to find new and more intelligent ways of managing their energy supply infrastructure....

Orga Systems presents solutions made for living in a connected world

Paderborn (Germany), 20 March 2012: The 6th Annual OSS BSS Asia Pacific Summit 2012, taking place in Singapore, will address the dynamic world of the communications market. Being Gold Sponsor of the event, Orga Systems will present its convergent solutions made for living in a connected world – scalable architecture, outstanding performance, lowest rating latency and consequent customer-centricity ensure reliable access to any kind of next generation cross vertical services, e.g. Utility and Automotive. Focusing on new ways of profitable business and delivering innovative customer-centric services Orga Systems’ will showcase real-time...

The automotive M2M market on the rise - 1.4 billion connections by end of 2020

Paderborn (Germany), 28 February 2012: According to leading analysts, the telematics sector represents one of the greatest business opportunities for Machine-to-Machine (M2M). From less than 90 million connections globally in 2010 the automotive M2M market will grow to almost 1.4 billion connections by the end of 2020; expecting that the sector will generate €157 billion revenue in 2020. Amongst others, one of the biggest revenue generating segments will be tracking in the area of logistics as the logistical market for cloud-based multi-provider service platforms is boosting. These online platforms enable logistic companies to combine...

Orga Systems launches Order2Cash solution

Advanced customer care, order fulfillment, convergent billing and financial management in one Paderborn (Germany), 27 February 2012: Orga Systems is extending its product portfolio by enhancing its customer experience offerings through OS.Order2Cash which uniquely combines the benefits of advanced real-time billing with catalog-driven end-to-end lifecycle business process and systems management. The solution includes comprehensive Customer Care features for commercial and technical Product and Order Management. Catalog-driven end-to-end order orchestration with a single convergent real-time billing environment for all; products,...

Creation of real-time offers key for 91% of CSPs

Orga Systems and Telesperience present survey on revenue maximization trends Paderborn (Germany), 16 February 2012: One quarter of CSPs is still equipped with mainly manual processes which lead to restrains, inefficiency and increasing revenue loss. Orga Systems is approaching this topic and getting to the heart of this matter with Telesperience, a UK-based analyst firm, by officially sponsoring Telesperience’s datasheet “CSP revenue maximization trends 2012-2014”, which summarizes findings from primary research amongst CSPs in line with the Telesperience Policy Control and Charging Programme. One key finding that has become...

Orga Systems setzt Wachstumskurs fort

Advisory Board unterstützt weitere Investitionen Paderborn (Deutschland), 1. Februar 2012: Anhaltendes Umsatz- und Ertragswachstum angeschoben durch massive Investitionen – diese hervorragende Bilanz ist das Ergebnis von knapp 18 Monaten umfangreicher Restrukturierungsmaßnahmen. Um ca. 30 Prozent wird der Umsatz des Jahres 2011 über dem des Jahres 2009 liegen. Der Auftragseingang für 2012 liegt fast dreimal höher als noch zu Beginn des Jahres 2010. Das Advisory Board, ein internationales Gremium aus Experten der Telekommunikationsindustrie und Finanzwirtschaft, bekräftigte daher seine Entscheidung, die Expansionspläne...

Orga Systems top-listed second on Avea’s half-year evaluation

Paderborn (Germany), 31 January 2012: Orga Systems has been evaluated by the youngest Turkish operator Avea, hitting second place among ten other suppliers. Driven by a spirit of innovation and continually evolving, Avea analyzes and ranks its partners every six months. A so called score card is generated concerning the perception of the supplier inside Avea, having the positive side effect that this becomes beneficially apparent for the supplier as well. Being responsible for the product, service and maintenance, Orga Systems has been supporting and accompanying Avea with its real-time billing and charging for over a decade. Striving...

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