bird flu

22.08.2009: | | | | | |

Manuel Hachenburger informs: Very high danger potential, for the complete world by the Mexico flu A/H1N1.

Direct candidate for the parliamentary elections in 2009 in the constituency 177, betting rough! The Mexico flu A/H1N1 was already stated for pigs and turkey hens with man! The pathogen spreads worldwide with rapid speed. A mutation is very likely! It still consists in it, the warning layer 6 of the WHO. The WHO publishes no more figures to the infection other European institutions follow this example! The flu spreads explosively it is only called victim numbers! An active agent is tested directly at man without knowing which could result for side effects! According to an, official information the flu is harmless! Why are 30%, the population, then vaccinated in autumn 2009, 2- in autumn? The costs amount alone to a billion euro in Germany! It this also could be, know the authorities as this flu could get dangerous or is! Mutations with the flu virus H3/N2 (the Asian flu, also to 90% in Europe) and H5N1 are (very likely the bird flu,...

04.02.2009: | | | | | |

Manuel Hachenburger warns: Scientists have an extremely dangerous flu virus in one - U.S. - established laboratory, killer!

Researchers have U.S. crossed the dangerous H5N1 flu virus (bird flu) - with the dangerous H3N1 flu virus (Hong Kong flu). The laboratory animals fell ill only weakly but such crossroads led 1968 - 1969 to this one, a flu pandemic with 800.000 victims. There already are both virus tribes and victims of this in China. The Spanish flu broken off H1N1, this also is next to the Hong Kong virus (H3N2) in Germany 1918 - 1919 led to a pandemic with 20 - 50 millions victims. It the danger also insists this the viruses H3N1 and H1N1, super virus could mutate and be concerned up to 50% of the population to one here. An antidote for H5N1 is not not in view and for mutation under the viruses either. The dangerous pathogene of the Spanish flu also was of U.S. - one laboratory reconstructs, the bird flu's pathogene H5N1 can mutate also with the Spanish flu H1N1. The Uno then fears until 150 million victims. Worries about the release of H5N1...

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