Online Charging

Real-time Customer Experience accelerates cross vertical connections

Paderborn (Germany), 24 January 2012: As Mobile is no longer limited to Communications only, GSMA introduced “Redefining Mobile” as slogan for this years’ Mobile World Congress 2012 in Barcelona. Consequently Orga Systems will showcase the benefit of real-time customer interaction for merging industry verticals as Communication, Utilities and Telematics. Taking a positive Customer Experience to the next level For more than two decades Orga Systems accompanies its global customers to a look into tomorrow‘s world today. At Mobile World Congress new real-time based solutions to leverage a positive customer experience and successfully...

Enhancing solid business cases for Utilities

Paderborn (Germany), 10 January 2012: A new study from leading analysts estimates that the global smart grid market is worth at least $27 billion and potentially $49 billion in emerging countries. Government mandates are likely to be a key driver for the nearly 1 billion smart meter installations by 2020 worldwide. Because transforming the traditional infrastructure into a smart grid requires huge investments, a solid business case is a key issue. Orga Systems supports these business cases by delivering real-time data processing, dynamic tariff management and close customer interaction capability for smart grid infrastructures. Beyond...

Johannes Nussbickel appointed new CFO and managing director

Paderborn (Germany), 09 November 2011: In line with Orga Systems continued expansion worldwide, the company has appointed Johannes Nussbickel as new CFO and managing director to contain a solid financial structure, management and leadership at the top. He brings more than 10 years of finance leadership and C-level experience with him, having worked as (regional) CFO with various high-tech and software multinational enterprises, among them Oracle and SuSE Linux AG (today part of Novell). Focusing on sustainable profitable growth Before joining Orga Systems, Johannes successfully worked at the IT/telco distributor Tech Data obtaining...

Supporting tomorrow’s requirements through a real-time platform

Paderborn (Germany), 18 October 2011: In a world where customer-centricity is paramount, focusing just on product differentiation will only lead to a short-term success. More than ever operators require a powerful communication channel to effectively reach the customer, since the focus on this aspect is crucial. Orga Systems’ solution operates across multiple channels and through intelligent notification delivery, allowing them to create a closer customer relationship through continuous communication in real-time. The solution is specifically designed for integration in convergent networks - a valuable add-on for real-time charging...

Giving energy consumption a real-time value

Paderborn (Germany), 04 October 2011: According to a new report by analysts the global installed base of smart meters will reach 535 million units by 2015. Further it is projected that the installed base of smart meters will continue its growth beyond 2015, reaching 963 million units by 2020. The adoption of smart meters is surging around the world and electric utilities are accelerating their deployments of the devices while looking for communication networks and integrated intelligence to enable increased visibility and management of electricity usage. Orga Systems’ Dynamic Energy Billing enables dynamic pricing and real-time rating...

Opening future revenue streams through real-time convergent charging

Paderborn (Germany), 13 September 2011: Tough climate and new challenges are familiar to operators around the world, but for many players in the MEA region there are additional challenges to compete with. Increasing competition and a drastically changing market environment are forcing operators to consider new strategies. Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, enables profitable business for operators while achieving competitive advantages in their industry: reduced OPEX, real time-to-market, short-termed ROI as well as beneficial access to new value chains and revenue streams. Providing solutions that meet unique...

Neue Kunden-Segmente einfach erschließen

Umsatz aus mobilem Breitband liegt 50 % unter den Produktionskosten Paderborn, 30. August 2011: Führende Analysten sagen voraus, dass es 2012 mehr als 7 Milliarden globale mobile Verbindungen geben wird, davon 52 % in Asien. In Anbetracht dieses Wachstums stehen Telekommunikationsanbieter vor großen Herausforderungen in Bezug auf Netzwerkkosten und den Bedarf an profitablen Geschäftsmodellen für neue Industriebereiche. Viele Betreiber machen die Erfahrung, dass der Umsatz den sie mit mobilen Breitband-Diensten erzielen, etwa 50 % unter den Bereitstellungskosten liegt. Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing,...

Mehr Kundenbindung durch vorausbezahlte Energiedienstleistungen

Zahlungsfähigkeit der Kunden in Notsituationen gewährleistet Paderborn (Deutschland), 16. August 2011: Das Angebot vorausbezahlter Energieleistungen, ähnlich dem bekannten Prepaid-System aus dem Mobilfunkbereich, ist auf Wachstumskurs. Diese Lösung bringt Vorteile sowohl für Kunden als auch für Energieversorger, wie zum Beispiel die Energieversorgung für nicht-kreditwürdige Verbraucher gegen Voraus-Bezahlung. Mit der SmartEnergySuite bietet Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, für dieses wachsende Kundensegment genau die passende Lösung. Basierend auf der Flexibilität des Plattform-Produktes OPSC...

From custom utility technology to cost efficiency

Reliable SmartEnergy Suite enables dynamic pricing Paderborn (Germany), 26 July 2011: Leading Analysts forecast 1.3 billion residential and commercial smart meter connections by 2020. The number of worldwide smart home installations is expected to reach 5.38 million by 2015. There is an increasing shift towards smart home technology adoption from fancy residences to mainstream and production homes. Following this trend prepayment for electricity and gas has to become smarter with more system capability and greater flexibility for consumers. Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, can provide these capabilities...

Höchste Kundenzufriedenheit markiert den Erfolgsweg von life:)

Paderborn (Deutschland), Kiew (Ukraine) 05. Juli 2011: Seit mehr als einem halben Jahr setzt der ukrainische Mobilfunkbetreiber life:) mit Erfolg die NGCP-Lösung von Orga Systems für echtzeitbasiertes Charging, Active Mediation und Policy Control ein. Nach einer Installationszeit von weniger als vier Wochen dient die Lösung heute dazu, alle life:)-Subscriber über eine einzelne Plattform zu vergebühren. Der wettbewerbsintensive ukrainische Markt erfordert echtzeitbasierte Lösungen für Mediation, Charging und Policy Control. Nur so ist es möglich, innovative Services und individuelle Tarife anzubieten, um sowohl neue Kunden gewinnen...

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