Mobile VPN

Fazendo da abordagem para novos segmentos um esforço simples

Os lucros da banda larga móvel estão 50% abaixo do custo de produção Paderborn (Alemanha), 30 de agosto de 2011: Como preveem os analistas líderes, a marca de 7 bilhões de conexões móveis no mundo será ultrapassada em 2012, 52% dessas conexões dar-se-ão na região Ásia/Pacífico. Devido a esse crescimento, os provedores de serviços de comunicação deparam-se com enormes desafios no quesito custos de rede e necessidade de modelos de negócios lucrativos para todas as verticais. Muitas operadoras estão passando pela situação na qual o preço de venda da banda larga se encontra 50% abaixo do preço que lhes custa produzir...

Neue Kunden-Segmente einfach erschließen

Umsatz aus mobilem Breitband liegt 50 % unter den Produktionskosten Paderborn, 30. August 2011: Führende Analysten sagen voraus, dass es 2012 mehr als 7 Milliarden globale mobile Verbindungen geben wird, davon 52 % in Asien. In Anbetracht dieses Wachstums stehen Telekommunikationsanbieter vor großen Herausforderungen in Bezug auf Netzwerkkosten und den Bedarf an profitablen Geschäftsmodellen für neue Industriebereiche. Viele Betreiber machen die Erfahrung, dass der Umsatz den sie mit mobilen Breitband-Diensten erzielen, etwa 50 % unter den Bereitstellungskosten liegt. Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing,...

From custom utility technology to cost efficiency

Reliable SmartEnergy Suite enables dynamic pricing Paderborn (Germany), 26 July 2011: Leading Analysts forecast 1.3 billion residential and commercial smart meter connections by 2020. The number of worldwide smart home installations is expected to reach 5.38 million by 2015. There is an increasing shift towards smart home technology adoption from fancy residences to mainstream and production homes. Following this trend prepayment for electricity and gas has to become smarter with more system capability and greater flexibility for consumers. Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, can provide these capabilities...

Höchste Kundenzufriedenheit markiert den Erfolgsweg von life:)

Paderborn (Deutschland), Kiew (Ukraine) 05. Juli 2011: Seit mehr als einem halben Jahr setzt der ukrainische Mobilfunkbetreiber life:) mit Erfolg die NGCP-Lösung von Orga Systems für echtzeitbasiertes Charging, Active Mediation und Policy Control ein. Nach einer Installationszeit von weniger als vier Wochen dient die Lösung heute dazu, alle life:)-Subscriber über eine einzelne Plattform zu vergebühren. Der wettbewerbsintensive ukrainische Markt erfordert echtzeitbasierte Lösungen für Mediation, Charging und Policy Control. Nur so ist es möglich, innovative Services und individuelle Tarife anzubieten, um sowohl neue Kunden gewinnen...

Constancy and business leadership result in associate ETIS membership

Paderborn (Germany), 28 June 2011: Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, has recently become an Associate Member in the ETIS organization, the global IT association for telecommunications. After Orga Systems successfully contributed its deep knowledge in real-time charging and billing at the last billing working group meeting in Athens, Orga Systems’ membership will distinctively be about committing its expertise to the Billing Working Group (WG), Business Intelligence & Data Warehouse WG and the Enterprise Architecture WG. Offering a range of outstanding solutions in real-time Orga Systems’ SmartRevenue...

Enhancing customer experience through flexible M2M services

Preparing for an M2M world with 2.5 billion device connections by 2020 Machine-to-machine communication enables equipment anywhere in the world to provide data on its own status, relay other information and be remotely controlled. There has been notable growth in the adoption of M2M communications, which is a significant type of application and an emerging sector transforming customer experience. Leading analysts forecast an annual growth of 40-50 %. Maximizing revenues in hypercompetitive markets Mobile carriers must keep in mind that much flexibility is required in order to maximize revenues in a hypercompetitive market. Operators...

Mobile Money Services in Echtzeit eröffnen neue Erlösquellen

Paderborn (Deutschland), 14. Juni 2011: Der Erfolg des Mobiltelefons als vielseitiges Gerät, vor allem im Finanzbereich, wird immer offensichtlicher und zieht die Aufmerksamkeit internationaler Technologie- und Finanzfirmen auf sich. Als Ausgleich zu sinkenden Erlösen aus traditionellen Diensten müssen Mobilfunkbetreiber Zusatzdienste anbieten, wie zum Beispiel Mobile Money. Neue Kooperationen zwischen Mobilfunkbetreibern und Kreditkartenfirmen zeigen die wachsende Abhängigkeit zwischen Finanzsystemen und Mobiltelefon, wenn sie Kundegruppen erreichen wollen, die normalerweise keinen Zugang zu Kreditkarteneinrichtungen haben. Die...

Enabling real-time services for next generation mobile life

Paderborn (Germany), 07 June 2011: As the telecoms market is facing huge challenges, such as the rise of flat rate data usage, innovation will need to drive revenue generation. Mobile operators are facing a growing demand for next generation services on the one hand and rising costs for network infrastructure and equipment on the other. The only possible way the mobile industry can properly deal with these challenges is to implement real-time solutions for new revenue channels leading to long-term growth. That is why Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, is discussing profitable real-time services for next generation...

A Orga Systems cria serviços inovadores, parcerias e operações

O TMForum Management World desencadeia uma Revolução da Comunicação Paderborn (Alemanha), 17 de maio de 2011: Mais de cinco bilhões de assinantes no mundo representam uma enorme oportunidade para o mercado de comunicações. O que os atores necessitam para ser bem-sucedidos é de um envolvimento eficaz e da retenção dos clientes enquanto, ao mesmo tempo, ultrapassam as expectativas dos clientes mesmo com a entrada de novos concorrentes no mercado. Os provedores de serviços de comunicação (CSPs) devem oferecer serviços mais inovadores e personalizados, além de novas opções de pagamento através do uso dos conhecimentos...

Orga Systems hace posible innovadores servicios, cooperaciones y operaciones

La TMForum Management World revela la Revolución de la Comunicación Paderborn (Alemania), 17 de mayo de 2011: Más de cinco mil millones de abonados en todo el mundo convierten el mercado de la comunicación en una gran oportunidad. Para tener éxito, todas las partes implicadas tienen que captar y retener eficazmente a los clientes - y al mismo tiempo superar las expectativas cada vez más altas de éstos - así como aventajar a nuevos competidores que entran en juego. Los proveedores de servicios de comunicación tienen que ofrecer más servicios y opciones de pago innovadores y personalizados, utilizando sus conocimientos sobre...

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