Moto Goldmines a "bright and golden shiny star" in financial world?

LimesInvestor recommends to its investors to go on staying in Moto Goldmines (MGL.TO)and to add shares, if MGL is back setting. (LI) reminds its investors that MGL is strongly undervalued - current sp 3.32 CAD - (Net Asset VALUE /Share Haywood Research outperform 6.60 CAD) Moto has taken part successfully at " Indaba", an important miningfair in Capetown. Now Moto will also take part in " Global Metals & Mining Conference" in Florida from from 23rd. - 25th of February. It is one of the most important mining-conferences in the world, as well for institutional investors as for Exploration and Mining Companies. Organizer is BMO Capital...

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