Politically dangerous EU petition for the FRG and the EU commission will be negotiated in Brussels in early September

In the first session of the newly constituted Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament (PETI) after the EU elections, the highly significant petition no. 0473/2008 of the atmed AG will be publicly debated in Brussels on the 1st of September 2009. This case is absolutely unique since the founding of the European Union, as the European Commission under the responsitility and direction of EU Commissioner Mr. Günter Verheugen can be proven to have intentionally lied to the PETI, the European Parliament and thereby the European public withing the scope of an official statement in March 2009.

The EU Commission and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) have been consciously violating the European Community Law for many years by systematically forestalling the execution of a protection clause trial in accordance with article 8 of the Directive 93/42/EWG on the medical product "effecto" and "Inhaler Broncho-Air" by inactivity, in order to cover up serious negligence and infraction of the European Community law for more than a decade so far. In this way, a direct appeal of the manufacturer atmed AG to the European Court of Justice is deliberately impeded, which factually means the selective prevention of effective legal protection.

The attachment (German-language) contains the concluding declaration of the atmed AG toward the PETI concerning these incredible occurrences. The media are cordially invited to attend the session of the PETI on the 1st of September 2009 in Brussels. After the meeting, there will be the possibility of interviews with the CEO of the company, Mr. Christoph Klein and the legal representative, Dr. David Schneider-Addae-Mensah and with Mr. Gary Timm.

Contact person for more information:

Mr. Gary Timm
E-mail: garytimm@csi.com
Phone: (+0049) 069-5484829
Mobile: (+0049) 0171-3380606

atmed AG
Reichenhaller Str. 3
D-83451 Piding, Germany
Homepage: www.effecto.info
E-Mail: contact@effecto.info
Telefon: (+0049) 08651-718809
Telefax: (+0049) 08651-690293

Stellungnahme atmed AG gegenüber PETI vom 11.08.2009.pdf550.09 KB