Intel and OpenSynergy announce partnership for automotive market
Pressetext verfasst von OpenSynergy am Mi, 2009-03-04 12:11.COQOS runs on Intel Atom – Intel pushes COQOS
Berlin, 30th of January As of today Intel and OpenSynergy sign a contract to start a partnership for automotive market. It will focus on offering a state-of-the art platform which bases on the latest Intel processor Intel Atom and the car operating system COQOS. The x86 automotive platform allows car manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers to run open-standard infotainment platform and AUTOSAR applications on one hardware. A first demonstrator board will be shown at the international exhibition CEBIT in Hannover from 3rd to 8th of March at the Intel Booth XXX. At CEBIT Intel and OpenSynergy offer a first evaluation kit which consists of an Intel evaluation board and a COQOS evaluation kit.
Demonstrator and Evaluation Board available at CEBIT
The demonstrator which will be shown at CEBIT will give visitors a first impression of features and usage of running COQOS on the latest x86 standard platform. This cooperation between Intel and OpenSynergy is the best basis to enable hardware and application providers to benefit from the joint advantages of the Intel Atom and the automotive capabilities of COQOS. First automotive brands do already evaluate COQOS for use in their next generation infotainment systems.
“Virtualization is the latest state-of-the-art technology to merge automotive functions from Infotainment and AUTOSAR world to one hardware. This enables car manufacturers and manufacturer of head unit systems to create or integrate newest applications and to reduce their costs in development and hardware investment. “, says Dr. Stefaan Sonck Thiebaut, CTO of OpenSynergy. “The partnership explains the need of the market to put concerted power together. The partnership combines high processor performance of the market leader Intel with the modern and standard- conform car operating system COQOS for head units. At CEBIT a first evaluation board including a COQOS evaluation kit will be available for first projects”, explains XXX, XXX of Intel.
In the bottom line, the combination of the Intel Atom and COQOS will reduce hardware and development cost to a level where latest infotainment functionality becomes available even in the latest low-cost vehicles. Hence this partnership will introduce PC technology to the car in all vehicle classes.
COQOS - Car Operating System
With COQOS OpenSynergy launches the first 100% AUTOSAR-conform integration of an open-standard Infotainment platform for vehicle applications. Based on virtualization technology which is used and well established in the IT-industry, COQOS combines two software systems having different non-functional requirements, separates them safely and enables a well-defined and controlled communication. Some of the benefits are to reduce the development cycle (time and costs), faster integrate new infotainment functions into the car and reduce hardware costs as well. In a first release COQOS will be available beginning of March 2009 in parallel to the CEBIT show.
About OpenSynergy
OpenSynergy is based in Berlin and was founded in 2007. The company bundles long-term experience in automotive industry with innovative concepts for next generation electronic car systems. Beside the development of the car operating system COQOS OpenSynergy offers Engineering Services for software development, project management and technical consulting in the fields of AUTOSAR, Infotainment and Connectivity.
Press contact
OpenSynergy GmbH
Mr René Drescher
Rotherstraße 9
10245 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30-2018 1835-41