The fighting of unemployment! What was into the lust done to 100 years?

The fighting of unemployment! What was into the lust done to 100 years?

The politics confined itself between 1900 - 1910 in small steps to make the heavy lot of the workers easier. The programmes remind of today's time. Reduction of the working time, improvement in the working conditions, increase in the standard of living, social insurance and full-coverage wage agreements. You should prevent the usual methods of the businessmen to push the wages in the recession and to encumber the employees with the costs of the crisis. The social insurance failed because of the resistance of the businessmen.

There were no statistics about unemployment but 43% of the people asked were unemployed in your life sometime once. Only few were sick person insured, for many only the subsistence level remained. Workers were replaced by the labour market with perfection of the 50th year of life. Within the 20th years unemployment never increased more than 1 million. The labour markets were not receptive unlimitedly and therefore had to move other workers by soldiers returning home, men and women were concerned. The workplaces in the farming were not attractive enough, only some were paid there, many did not want to work there.

It was for, the 8 hour day, been on strike, so that you worked everywhere in 1918 more briefly than in 1914. The unemployment figure 35700 amounted on 31 January 1921. The limit of 500000 would for the first time truly exceed in this June 1923. Work and bread demanded millions of former soldiers, particularly the situation of the women was depressing, there was the inflation. 1923 the impoverishment. In war loans the citizens this one had laid out, this on the paper lost her assets, saved her, no longer worth true! The working time was increased from 8 in the mining from 7 until 8 hours and for workers for 9 hours.

A law over the social insurance and employment agency as well as the compulsory insurance was passed for 16.5 million employees on 7 August 1927. By the working time law of 8 April 1927 the 10 hour day was, in exceptions permitted more. Unemployment was not decreased by it. Week was reimported the 40 hours on 5 June 1931. There were 3,956 unemployed on 16 July 1931. Due to the war of 1939 - 1945 the share of the women became, increased from 14.6 to 14.9 million only insignificantly.

A potential of 7.5 million workers was missing because more than 9 million men belonged to the armed forces. Working times of more than 50 hours were the rule in the armament industry. Within the 50th years television, space-travel and chemistry succeeded in a single breakthrough in the areas of cars, telephone, electricity. Already 1956 220000 jobs could no longer occupiedly is. The 50th and 60th years were the most important period of economic growth in the modern history. Unemployment was insignificant and amounted in Europe only 2.5%

As of 1970 new values, a worker company, industriousness, thinking, precision developed and the weekday punctuality determined. Expressed differently above those stood the 40 hours week and below the person who has retired early and unemployed these were booked up for months and the working week exceeded 70 hours, in the middle. Unemployment increased of 1970 - 1979 from 0.6% to 3.4%

On 1 December 1982 2 million was reached, 8% were this. Helmut Kohl turned voted and truly the Chancellor at the 1982-10-04 up to 1998 in the office. A high of 2.3 million was already achieved in 1985. In the course of the years of 1982 - 1998 the share of unemployment increased except for 4.5 million and in Europe to 35 million.
Within the years of 1998 - 2008 unemployment swayed between 3.5 million to 4.5 million. You changed like the statistics depending on. For the fighting of unemployment the Hartz IV, laws were introduced. Persons were forced to accept every work. The constitution's particularly, only open judicial order is permitted every work truly reasonable, although this after article 12, para. 3.

This authorizes working times of up to 12 hours daily and 65 hours in the European version, working time law weekly, if a working time from 48 hours within 6 months is not exceeded. This is up a scorn for those find the work, also the prolongation of the working life until up to 67 years, is a declaration of bankruptcy of the government. Becoming it as hardly persons taken on above 50 years at that time.

Possible steps of the fighting would be: The reduction in the working week until 30 hours, reduction the maximum working time until 8 hours daily without exception and natural reduction pensions admission age or the full pension after 45 contribution years. All tests of the employers increase the working time, harm the labour market and make more expensive the cost of living because they must pay the unemployed with your contributions. The number of the unemployed is not reduced through this because the wages are pushed to below and the government refuses to introduce a minimum wage obligatorily, for all lines of business.

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Yours sincerely

Manuel Hachenburger
Hochwaldstraße 4
61231 Bad Nauheim
Telephone and telefax
+49 60 32 7 15 63

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