How to Afford the Right Foundry Process Simulation Software?
Pressetext verfasst von TaraxaA am Do, 2008-08-07 22:31.How to Afford the Right Foundry Process Simulation Software?
More than 20 years ago process simulation software was introduced to the foundry industry and has grown to become a "need to have" engineering tool. At that time, simulation required both high investments for the software itself and even more for computer hardware. Simulation appeared to be expensive, it took a long time to calculate and the results showed almost nothing. A lot has changed since that time, especially in today’s world of casting process simulation capabilities. Computer hardware is not as expensive or as large as a semi-truck anymore. Project turnaround has been reduced from six months to six hours on standard computer equipment - and a fraction of this on high-end hardware systems. Result resolution has increased twenty fold. The accuracy of the results and the additional features that are available now were not even considered years ago.
The primary roadblock to acquire simulation tools is the misunderstanding that the software is too expensive. The cost of casting process simulation software can be shocking if you do not look past the sticker price. Many management members give up at this point, and never realize the benefits.
Here is an example all metal casters can appreciate: Your company has a $10M operation with a 5 % mix of scrap castings. That comes to $500,000 in scrap dollars. If simulation can reduce the scrap to 3%, the potential savings is $200K. Simulation costs of $100K in the same year gives a Return on Investment (ROI) of six months.
What other savings can be considered? Consider the 2% additional capacity you now have since there is no need to make up for the scrap loss? Using an assumption of twenty production hours per day and a five day workweek, the end result is an additional two production hours per week. While two hours may not seem significant, when used for machine service, maintenance and cleaning, you will yield an increase in the quality castings for no additional cost.
Significant savings can also be realized in the area of reducing die trials. You have either heard or made this statement: “For the cost of simulations, I can produce several trials on the machine and be still cheaper.” This statement makes simulation software seem cost-ineffective – but let us examine how accurate this statement is. A die is designed and built, shipped to the foundry and built into the die casting machine. Samples are made, checked and castings, but then have to be scrapped due to poor quality. Possible die changes are discussed: perhaps some can be implemented instant by grinding and welding – but perhaps not. Maybe the caster may be able to improve the die on the machine - or maybe he has to send it back to the tool shop. The next die sampling is planned soon and will be hopefully better – and throughout all this, you need to keep your customer informed, explain what is and is not working, what are the problems, what are the possible solutions – and how much longer his casting will take before he can receive the quality product that he needs, and that you want to provide.
Wasted Resources
What is happening during this process is that you are wasting your company's valuable resources, such as production time, tool shop time and die life. Most importantly, however, you are risking your customer's trust in your firm. Your customer wants his job done right the first time – not explanations and delays; why should he come back to you when he gets good castings the first time at the other shop that uses simulation successful?
Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction means customer retention – and simulation software helps assure customer satisfaction. How do you go about finding the simulation software that best suits your needs - and budget? For a company that has never considered simulation software, the selection can be a tough process.
Vendor Selection
So where do you start? Contact the vendors you heard about; search foundry magazines, attend shows and meetings - or ask your customers or successful competition.
Once you have their names, apply the selection processes you use for your other vendors.
For example: Consider the history and structure of the company: How long have they been in the software business? Is the company an independent or a small department in a big company? Does the company make money selling software? Can it stay in business even when a key person leaves?
Your Needs
Consider your firm's specific needs. Where is the vendor located? It's difficult to deal with somebody who is six hours ahead in a different time zone. Review the company's size and the level of support available: Do they have enough competent engineers in the office who understand your die casting process? Two or three engineers might seem enough – as long as one isn't in the field, a second at an exhibition and the third one doesn't know your process. Your business can't afford to wait days for the right answer.
Marketing Potential
Determine if you can use the vendor and its software as a marketing tool. Are they well accepted in the industry? Can you impress your customers and get more business by selecting the right software?
Software Costs
These are critical questions to ask before even knowing the software costs or capabilities. Keep in mind that the answer of the above questions show a lot of hidden value for your company hard to evaluate with software costs alone – but at this point you have a good impression who to talk to about their product.
Finally, consider the software itself. If you read the advertisements, you'll probably find that every software company promises the same thing: Their software is the fastest, easiest to use, provides the best results, have the most features etc. You will be lost in details faster than you can throw the ads in the trash.
Instead, select three vendors, invite them to come to your place, give the engineer the required CAD files of a current running production process and watch them set up the project. The simulation should run to the end and the vendor should give you a result presentation and recommendations about their findings at your facility. Vendors who do not do this should be immediately eliminated out of the competition. Compare the given results and recommendations to your experiences with this casting.
Convince Yourself
After all this, you have a good understanding what it takes to simulate your process and how accurate the results are. Select the most promising simulation software and take it for a 3-month trial license. If you are not completely satisfied with the results or service you get go ahead and test the next software. You need to be 100% convinced that the software you select provides correct results all the time. You can’t afford to buy software that looks cheap to start with, but costs you money due to wrong results.
Instant Payback
It's a challenging task, but following these steps will lead you to software best suited for your needs and to a vendor with whom you can work for a long time - and once you've found the right software, you'll begin to realize benefits almost from the first day. The right software selection and constant use creates an efficient process, reduces the overall costs, satisfies your current customers while brings new customers on board - and takes a lot of tension out of your daily struggle.
See you at your plant.
Ralf Kind / Ke Roth
MAGMA Foundry Technologies, Inc.
Phone: +1-847-969-1001
Über TaraxaA
4170 N Marine Dr
Chicago, IL 60613
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