Leading European MNO has ordered Orga Systems’ Voucher Management

Flexible support for marketing promotions boost voucher based recharge

Paderborn (Germany), 14 December 2010: Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, announces that a leading European operator has ordered its high performance voucher management solution OVSC. With this solution, the operator can rely on a voucher management system that creates, manages and transfers voucher information for prepaid services in mobile telecommunication. The various interfaces allow an easy integration with prepaid billing systems and voucher printing and distribution systems.

High Performance Voucher Management
Recharging and account balancing are a direct avenue from the operator to the prepaid customer. Security, availability and attractiveness of these points of contact are essential factors in maintaining continuous, growing revenue streams. Orga Systems’ Voucher Service Center is a high-performance recharge solution that manages all relevant voucher processes.
The OVSC creates and manages secret voucher codes in a secure and convenient manner. Open interfaces guarantee easy integration with BSS environments and voucher printing systems from different vendors. The enhanced promotion and marketing capabilities enable telecom operators to boost voucher sales and to run dedicated marketing campaigns for selected customer segments.

Orga Systems – #1 choice for real-time charging and billing

As the pioneer of GSM prepaid billing, Orga Systems has gained highly qualified expertise in real-time charging and billing.
Orga Systems focuses on real-time based solutions for customer billing and administration in mobile telecommunication services. It sets important milestones for the industry regularly to further expanded its leading position.
Orga Systems’ high-performance database, InCore is currently the fastest data technology worldwide with regards to access speed.
Mobile operators need future-proof billing systems which offer clear service and cost benefits.
The fully convergent real-time billing platform OPSC Gold guarantees their profitable growth.
Please visit http://orga-systems.com for more information.

Orga Systems GmbH
Am Hoppenhof 33
33104 Paderborn

Eva Heumann
Head of Corporate Communication

Über EHeumann

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Am Hoppenhof 33
33104 Paderborn

Andreas Freund
VP Marketing Global
