Indonesian media group denounces soldiers' attack on journalists

Indonesian media group denounces soldiers' attack on journalists

New York City. May 4, 2009/AJI/-- The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) of Indonesia condemned the attack on several journalists by rioting soldiers in the province of Papua.

On April 29, several hundred soldiers assigned to Batallion 751 attacked at least four journalists after they saw the newsmen taking pictures of the riot. Earlier, the soldiers have attacked their own camp due to their anger at their commander over the unpaid benefits for a dead soldier.

The soldiers then turned their wrath on the journalists, confiscating the cameras and other equipment of two of them. One reporter sustained head injuries. As of press time, some of them are hiding in a police station while the others sought refuge in nearby houses.

In a statement, AJI Indonesia said the incident endangered press freedom. "A journalist's freedom to conduct coverage is protected by Law No. 40 Year 1999 on Press and those who try to hamper the journalist from doing his or her job faces a two-year imprisonment and a fine up to 500 million rupiah," the AJI statement said.

AJI Indonesia demanded that the police protect the journalists. It also urged the Indonesian military to control its men and take stern action against those who try to prevent journalists from doing their jobs.

Cunding Levi, an AJI member in Papua, has been trying to contact Trikora Military Regional Commander Brig. Gen. A.Y. Nasution in order to ask him to control his men, but the officer did not respond to the calls.

Until now, several journalists are still hiding. Angel, a contributor of, admitted that she was lying down at a resident house and heard some shooting. A Kompas journalist said that until now, the soldiers are still blocking public roads. A TOP TV journalist was injured on his head.

Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters

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Internet:, Journalist, Radio/TV-Journalist Autor, Verleger seit 1984 und Herausgeber von British Newsflash Magazine, seit 1986, Moderator, freier Fernseh- Film und Radio-Produzent seit 1984. Auszeichnungen für Fernseh-Produktion in den Jahren 1986, 1987, 1988 und 1989 unter anderem von der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung in Rheinland-Pfalz. MEDIEN-DIENSTE in English, Französisch und Deutsch: Presse, Film, Funk, Fernsehen, seit 1984, :: bis 2002 "Speyerer Tagespost", seit 1984 privater Rundfunk (Fernsehen und Radio) mit der Einführung des dualen Rundfunks in Deutschland, tätig für Tageszeitungen wie Tagespost (Speyer), Morgenpost (Speyer), Wochenblatt (Mannheim), Stadtradio (Heilbronn), diverse Nachrichtenagenturen wie ddp Deutscher Depeschen Dienst, Nachrichtenagenturen,, konventionelle Main-Stream-Medien und alternative unabhängige Medien seit 1984. Arbeit in London, England, Deutschland, Frankreich und in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. 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Human Rights Reporters :: Medienprojekt Menschenrechts-Reporter :: Edition 2008, No. 1, Human Rights, abuses and violations of Human Rights, international understanding, 272 pages / Seiten, author: Andreas Klamm, Journalist, Publishing Center: Books on Demand Gmbh; Edition 1 (October 2008), Language: English / German, bi-lingual, ISBN-10: 3837072436, ISBN-13: 978-3837072433 === Weitere ausführliche Informationen: === Books written by the author and journalist Andreas Klamm (Bücher, eine Auswahl, geschrieben und veröffentlicht von Andreas Klamm): ===, Liberty, Peace and Media: Amy Goodman And The Freedom Of The Press - Excellent journalists in extraordinary times, Books on Demand Gmbh; Paris, France; (February 2009), 276 pages, author: Andreas Klamm, journalist Language: English / German, bi-lingual, ISBN-10: 2-8106-0269-7, ISBN-13: 978-2-8106-0269-8, ===, Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters 2, Human Rights, abuses and violations of Human Rights, international understanding, Editeur BOD Paris, France, (February 2009), 280 pages, author: Andreas Klamm, journalist, Language: English / German, bi-lingual, ISBN-10: 2-8106-0427-4, ISBN-13: 9-782-8106-0427-2, ===, Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters :: Medienprojekt Menschenrechts-Reporter :: Edition 2008, No. 1, Human Rights, abuses and violations of Human Rights, international understanding: Books on Demand Gmbh; Edition 1, (October 2008), 272 pages, author: Andreas Klamm, journalist, Language: English / German, bi-lingual, ISBN-10: 3-8370-7243-6, ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-7243-3, ===, British Newsflash Magazine :: Magazin-Buch: Edition 2008, No. 1, Themen und Berichte aus Politik, Soziales und Gesellschaft, Issues from politics, social affairs and society, 200 pages, author: Andreas Klamm, journalist, Publishing house /Publishing centre: Books on Demand Gmbh; Edition 1, (June 2008), Language: German with some articles in the English language ISBN-10: 3-8370-4600-1, ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-4600-7, ===, Die Kinder der John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission und Hilfe für Kinder, (The children of the John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission and help for children), 200 pages, author: Andreas Klamm, journalist, Publishing house / Publishing centre: Books on Demand Gmbh; Edition 1, (August 2008), Language: German with articles by co-authors in the French and English language, ISBN-10: 3-8370-5762-3, ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-5762-1 ===, The books can be ordered on (international shipping available, wordwide !) or online book stores, such as,,,,,, and many other book stores. === Im sekundären Zweit-Beruf seit 1993 staatlich geprüfter Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger, (Staats-Examen Oktober 1993, Tübingen, Deutschland), Arbeits-Erfahrung in der Pflege: Chirugische Not-Aufnahme, Chirugie, Innere Medizin, Anästhesie, Herz-Thorax-Gefäss-Chirugie, Urologie, Intensiv-Stationen in Deutschland und in England (Clementine Churchill Hospital, London, England), ambulante Pflege, Kurzzeit-Pflege, Pflege von Heim-Beatmungs-Patienten, Rettungsdienst (Rettungssanitäter / staatlich geprüfter Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger) RTW / NAW und andere Bereiche in der Pflege und im Rettungsdienst. Studium: In den Jahren 2003 bis 2004 Vollzeit-Studium, Fachrichtung Diplom-Pflegeleitung, an der Evangelischen Fachhochschule für SOZIAL- und GESUNDHEITSWESEN Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Martikel-No. 988, heute Fachhochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Fachschaft 4.