Manuel Hachenburger warns: Before the flu H3N2, the Hong Kong virus. A terrorist attack?

The Hong Kong flu H3N2, pandemic of 1968 - 1969 killed worldwide 800.000 people, persons died in Germany at this time 20.000 - 30.000.

The flu is a serious illness of the respiratory tract with exhaustion, head and rheumatic pains and shivering fit. She lasts between 7 - 14 days and appears in a flash.
Pandemics kick all 10 - 40 years, up to 50% of the world population can be infected and millions deaths can demand a pandemic

Became the first death on 8 January 2009, confirmed in Ulm. A 48-year-old woman died of the flu, H3N2.

The pathogene is the Brisbane - virus. One influenza A - virus. These viruses cause pandemics. The wave of influenza gets particularly intense with many infections, heavy courses of a disease and hospital introductions, with deaths.

Viruses happen the influenza A - , rare with mammals with people, pigs and horses. Viruses design with changed surfaces antigens by modern molecular biological methods be able to humane influenza A. Influenza could therefore be used as a biological weapon or in a terrorist nude, particularly since the aggressor could protect itself by a vaccine. Is the present pandemic already an attack?

The following countries are already concerned: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Swedes Switzerland, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, USA, Cameroon, China, Hong Kong, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Mongolia, Romania, Russia, Serbia. 23 January stood for 2009 ( Quelle.)

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Yours sincerely

Manuel Hachenburger
Hochwaldstraße 4
61231 Bad Nauheim
Telephone + telefax
+49 60 32 7 15 63

01.02.2009: | | | |

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61231 Bad Nauheim
Telefon + Telefax
+49 60 32 7 15 63


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