2009 New Game, a free-to-play adult MMORPG

CoutryWars ist a highly rated and much anticipated Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). It based on the eternal power struggle between immortals and humans, has a compelling storyline of love, hatred and revenge that unfolds over several episodes. As you go along and jump into this exciting journey, everyday will hold new meaning as you make your friends online and play and hunt and share your best moments together in real life 3-D
environments. CountryWars is something you have never experienced before with the most amazing and hauntingly beautiful animation and graphics you will ever see!! What's more...the world of CountryWars will be yours to rule, conquer and control! You decide, you make and you live...CountryWars ...its the only real space you will ever have that you can truly call your own.
