AMS amplifier systems in 19'' format (84TE)

Maisach/Munich/Germany. BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), manufacturer for innovative measurement technology "made in Germany", extends the product range of 5B compatible AMS amplifier systems by the AMS84 series in 19'' format.

 19'' amplifier system with modular concept

The 19'' amplifier rack AMS84 is excellent for installing in test systems. 16 slots to accommodate 5B modules are provided. With the optional add-on AMS-EXT8 this number can be extended by a package of 8 channels to maximum 32 channels.

Because of the wide range of available 5B measuring amplifiers and converters the most different measurement applications can be realized with the AMS84.
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In addition, the integrated 5B technology provides for galvanic isolation of the sampled signals from each other as well as from the power supply (9-45V) and from the connected data acquisition system. The isolation protects the measurement set-up against high potentials and prevents interferences negatively influencing signal acquisition.

For highest flexibility and versatility the concept of the AMS amplifier systems is based on modularity. This means that the user himself can choose the single components - AMS device, plug-in cassettes, necessary 5B measuring amplifiers - resulting in a complete system adapted to the individual requirements of his measuring task.
The plug-in cassettes carrying the 5B modules are available with different sockets to allow the connection of a wide variety of sensor types. The sensors are supplied by the integrated 5B modules.

Something like a "full version" is represented by the models AMS84-LAN and AMS42-USB with integrated LAN or USB data acquisition unit. The USB version is also a new release in this category.
The AMS84-USB has been equipped with an extremely powerful USB device precisely recording signals with 250kHz and 16 bit resolution.
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With the AMS amplifier systems BMC Messsysteme GmbH created a "comfortable complete solution with an individual touch".
Further data acquisition systems (USB, PCI, LAN, ISA) as well as a wide range of 5B measuring amplifiers and converters are available on the website of BMC Messsysteme GmbH at .


BMC Messsysteme GmbH
Hauptstrasse 21
82216 Maisach /Munich

Phone: 0049-8141-404180-2
Fax: 0049-8141-404180-9

Phone: 0049-8141-404180-0
Fax: 0049-8141-404180-9

***** About BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) *****

BMC Messsysteme GmbH was founded in 1994 as an independent corporation with headquarters in Maisach, app. 30 km west of Munich. Until today this autonomy could be kept, so that any affiliation to a business group never existed and is not intended for the future. bmcm is one of the only German companies that completely develops and produces all products in Germany, which means quality "made in Germany" at an excellent price/performance ratio.

BMC Messsysteme GmbH serves two business areas:

* Measuring components and PC measurement technology *
This comprises a wide range of connection systems, measuring amplifiers, data acquisition systems, data loggers and the appropriate software.

* D2M (Design to Manufacturing) and OEM products *
BMC Messsysteme GmbH develops and produces electronic components according to customer specifications.

You will receive high-quality products manufactured already since the beginning of 2006 according to the RoHS directive. Of course, the corresponding documentation and CE test is always included.
A German documentation is obligatory for us, as well as an English description to be available to our international customers.

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BMC Messsysteme GmbH
Hauptstrasse 21
82216 Maisach /München


PC-Messtechnik, Elektronikentwicklung, Elektonikfertigung, PCI-Messkarten, PCIe-Messkarten, LAN-Messsysteme, USB-Messsysteme, Messverstärker, Messumformer, Datenlogger, industrielle Messtechnik, PC/104, CAN-Bus, Echtzeit, Messsoftware, Elektrotechnik, Steuerungstechnik, Regelungstechnik