Worldwide Novelty for Medica fair: Remote monitoring triples weight-loss success!

At the annual conference of the German Society for Obesity (October 18-20, 2007), Professor Luley from the Magdeburg University Clinic presented the results of his study of obese families. These results showed that adults who were remotely monitored lost almost three times as much weight after three months as a control group of adults without monitoring (a loss of 15.87 lbs and 5.95 lbs, respectively). Children in the monitored group lost as much weight as those in the control group gained (1.32 lbs loss and 1.32 lbs gain, respectively).

The study consisted of 71 families who were advised on one of two different diets. Of these families, twenty also had a remote monitoring system consisting of an activity sensor, scale and base station (from Aipermon) for three months. The system sent the patients’ measurements to Professor Luley on a regular basis so that he could send weekly feedback to each person. With the special sensor developed to record and evaluate everyday activities (AiperMotion), the subjects could also keep track of their daily calorie use. According to Professor Luley, the deciding factors in this group’s success were the ability to see the results of their movement visually and his being informed about their activity and weight level.

Between the two different diets, a new diet called the “Magdeburg dual diet” was superior to the other.

Because of these good results, Professor Luley is now offering a weight-loss program combining the new dual diet with remote monitoring. Details can be found at

This is the first obesity therapy worldwide that uses this type of advanced technology.

Aipermon will present telemonitoring solutions at Medica fair from November 14th to 17th in hall 15 / stand C 39, especially solutions for activity monitoring. These solutions enable monitoring of everyday activities and weight monitoring.

Aipermon GmbH & Co KG
Zamdorfer Str. 100
D – 81677 München

Press Contact:
Dr. Cornelia Plume
T: +49-(0)89-97890-141
F: +49-(0)89-97890-199

Information about Company:
Aipermon GmbH & Co. KG is a manufacturer of telemedicine equipment, based in Munich, Germany. It provides complete systems for remote monitoring of patient parameters and a unique telemetric sensor capable of measuring everyday activities.