Pressetext verfasst von TOBARO.ORG am Do, 2007-05-24 17:44.We build world's first online community for paparazzi pictures and videos at
Why a website like
Simple, because the world finally needs a place to publish and share paparazzi content....
What content will you find at
Many people looking for paparazzi pictures, videos and stories. So, lets bring them together.
Did you meet Britney last night a little bit drunken around the bar? You did a snapshot or video with your digicam or mobilephone? upload it at PAPARAZZI-ONLINE.NET and share it with the world.
You look like a star, Vip? You can sing like a star? Proof it! upload your own video or pictures here at PAPARAZZI-ONLINE.NET.
Finally, any video or picture to share with the world members can upload at PAPARAZZI-ONLINE.NET
We work hard to make us the most famous place for paparazzi content around the world!
First 10.000 free members joining our community will join free lottery to win a $ 500,-- Linux Satellite Receiver!