Minsk, Belarus: Top Ten Things to Do

Minsk, Belarus is Europe’s 12th largest city. With a population of 1.7 million it is larger than Munich, Warsaw, Vienna or Milan. Like many large cities, it is difficult for a tourist to know where to begin. How do you get to know a city like Minsk, Belarus when you don’t know anyone who lives there? Now you can turn to a new Europe Travel Guide, for suggestions.

In order to help travelers to Minsk to get the most out of their visit, the Travel Europe team has created a list of their Top 10 Favorite Things to do in Minsk. The list includes suggestions such as a visit to the Belarus Circus complete with video featuring highlights from a recent performance. There are also suggested walking routes so that visitors can know where to go to view the most interesting sights.

After your walk and what do you do next? Do you know where you can enjoy a panoramic view over the city of Minsk while you eat lunch? The Travels Europe team offer further suggestions on how to get the most of your visit to this remarkable city. Click here to view Travel Europe’s Top
10 Things to do in Minsk, Belarus

Travel Europe is a free online travel guide that offers travelers suggestions and advice about popular European travel destinations. For more information about Belarus, consult our free online Belarus Travel Guide

30.01.2007: | |

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