Travel Europe Website Now with Maps

The Travel Europe Website ( continues to grow and develop. Recent additions include new maps which have been added to the website in the past few days. The Travel Europe website now features a Europe Map, Greece Map and Belarus Map.

Gene Emmer, owner of Travel Europe Website said “the addition of the maps adds a new level of functionality to our websites. We have started with a map of Belarus and a map of Greece because the Travel Europe website is most developed for these two countries. In addition we have a map of Europe which is linked to all of the countries. This allows travelers to quickly see the location of their destination from any page. In the near future we hope to add maps for other European countries as well.”

An additional feature about the maps is that they are all expandable. If the initial map is clicked upon, a new map will open and if the expand box in the corner is clicked the map will expand 50-100%. This allows the maps to be seen in an overview format and also, the map can be expanded in order to view more details.

About Travel Europe Website: Travel Europe has been developed to offer tourists to European destinations independent travel information. The website offers travel information to popular and less well known travel destinations in Europe. The website is rapidly developing and new maps are the latest feature in the growth and development of the website.

26.01.2007: |

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Travel Industry