New Search Engine for Travel To Belarus

TravelsWise the European Travel Guide announces the launch of a new Search Engine specifically for travel to Belarus. The new Search Engine, appropriately named “Travel Belarus”, is based on Swicki Technology and can be seen at:

Swickis are custom-made targeted search engines. But the coolest thing about them is that they are interactive. They learn from searches. From the Swicki website “Swickis let you get… further refinement of the results once like-minded users start engaging with the results. Every click refines the swicki's search strings, creating a responsive, dynamic result that's both customized and highly relevant.”

The Travel Belarus Search Engine will further assist travelers to Belarus to find information. Recently TravelsWise launched a new Travel Guide for Belarus. The guide is free online and has information on:

• Visas for Belarus
• Belarusian Travel Agents
• Transportation To Belarus
• Transportation within Belarus
• Money In Belarus
• Health Matters in Belarus
• Accommodations in Minsk
• Accommodations Throughout Belarus
• Minsk: Things To Do and See
• Belarus: Things To Do and See
• The Six Provinces of Belarus

The Belarus Travel search engine will help travelers to Belarus find information not only from TravelsWise, but also from other valuable sources on the internet. The more people that use this search engine, the more specialized it will be. So, start clicking. Anyone may request the code to install this Search Engine directly on their website. Simply write an email to Emmergene “AT” Yahoo “DOT” com. Click to see the Belarus Travel Guide.

26.12.2006: | |

Über Americannj




Travel Industry