2GOGO Puts Photography into the Picture
Pressetext verfasst von 2GoGo am Mo, 2006-12-11 18:10.2GOGO announces the launch of a directory created specifically for the subject of photography. The new page is expected to grow significantly over the next months.
Photo 2GOGO is focused on the topic of photography and already references many websites that photographers, models, agencies and anyone interested in photography will find useful. The page has reference information for many sub-specialties including travel photography, glamour photography, sport photography, fashion photography, erotic photography, etc.
2GOGO is a search portal or social networking resource. Its front page is linked to a network of unique ‘daughter pages’, each focusing on a particular subject and managed by a volunteer webmaster. Webmasters are selected based on their expertise or interest on the subject. While this concept is new in the English language, it is already well developed in many other markets such as The Netherlands and Belgium.
2GOGO founder Eddy Coodee says, “2GOGO has become the most popular Start Page in the English language. Although 2GOGO was launched only one year ago, it is rapidly growing and recently celebrated the launch of its 100th subject page. I think that the new photography page will be a very useful addition to our network.”
Whether a professional or amateur photographer, a beginning or experienced model, an agency, photography museum or photography magazine publisher, anyone may submit a website for inclusion on the page. Everyone interested in photography is invited to make suggestions for further development of the page, which will become an important reference tool for people interested or professionally active in the art of photography. To see the new website click: http://photography.2gogo.co.uk/