ETLog Health GmbH holds lecture at ISWA workshop in Italy

Berlin/Rimini. At the begin of November, the Berlin based firm ETLog Health EnviroTech & Logistics GmbH shall report their experience in the field of waste management in hospitals. During the International Trade Fair Ecomondo 2006 in Rimini, Italy ISWA Italy [International Solid Waste Association] is organising two workshops.
One of the workshops is entitled “Healthcare Waste, a technical and legislative” and will take place at 8th November 2006 in Rimini. Mr. Jan-Gerd Kuehling, General Director of ETLog Health GmbH will hold lectures and will be available for individual discussions after the workshop.

Title of the lecture of ETLog Health GmbH will be: “Waste - European Best practices, Healthcare waste management in Berlin”. The subject matter of the lectures comprise the experience gleaned from current projects of ETLog Health GmbH in Berlin, Germany and the practical cost savings measures achieved through the reduction of waste in hospitals.

The target audience are the decision makers in the healthcare sector for the area of waste disposal. ISWA Italia and ATIA are presenting this workshop at Ecomondo in order to highlight the healthcare waste issue. Special attention will be dedicated to the Italian situation, its ability to develop brilliant solutions but also its grey areas. The workshop aims to promote the dialogue between public and private stakeholders and international and Italian experts in the field, with the purpose of comparing and disseminating the most innovative and sustainable solutions.

More information is available at our homepage For conference registrations please contact directly ISWA Italy ( or email

Contact PR:
Andrea Schuster | |
Tel.: ++ 49 (0) 30 | 44 31 87 - 40 | Fax: - 49
ETLog Health EnviroTech & Logistics GmbH | Linienstr. 72 | 10119 Berlin


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