Neue Version des kostenlosen Online Rollenspiel (MMORPG) PlaneShift

Das Update für die Version 0.3.016 ist fertig! Sie können Ihre Software nun aktualisieren und wieder zu dem Hauptserver Laanx verbinden. Eine vollständige Downloadversion wird innerhalb der nächsten Tage bereitgestellt.

Die wichtigsten Änderungen von Version 015 nach 016:
- Neues Chat Fenster
- Neue Kleidungsstücke
- InGame Spiel
- Inteligenteres Zaubern
- Bessere Animationen
- Neue Variationen von Monstern
- Änderung der Charaktereigenschaften
- Verbesserung des Handwerk-Systems (Crafting)

und eine Menge Fehlerbehebung.

Also viel Spaß beim kostenlosen Spielen.

Originalmeldung von:

The new update 0.3.016 is ready! Update your clients to connect to laanx server. The full download package will be available during the next days. Here are the differences from 015 to 016:

Design and content:

* Chat window updated, specific NPC tab, all visibile/audible messages moved to Main Tab, all detailed combat moved to system tab, combat details now only shown to user and group.
* Added support for character helms. Added base set of helms, but few races still missing.
* Mini-games system added, with ability to display a board, change pieces, configurable layouts.
* Method of calculation cast success now set as a formula
* New animations added to complete the base set, few races still missing.
* Added support for monsters variations
* Added base armor for races. Kran has now a natural armor, monsters have various natural armors based on their race.
* Item quality is now averaged on stacking.
* Item resistance for crafted items set as 0.5

Bug Fixes:

* Errors about unresolved item containers.
* Many fixes and improvements to crafting.
* Fixed crash if people tried to trade items while repairing them.
* Pathing of NPC fixed.
* Fixed stances of NPCs after respawn.

16.09.2006: |

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