Tailored Solutions: cibsys Software Development London

Our rapid development platform redefines software development. Bespoke applications can be created in moments, making development to your specific requirements with immediate feedback viable.

We are so confident of the power of our tool that we offer you the chance to have a prototype created for your needs on a try before you buy basis. The application builder is completely flexible, and integrates readily with your existing IT environment and applications.

The application builder allows major parts of the system to be created with no coding, increasing quality, and significantly cutting development and testing times.

In many cases a full system can be created in just a few days.

The powerful builder has many built in features and functions ranging from barcoding to email integration for workflows and reminders, these are all available with just a mouse click.

The tool can easily integrate with your existing applications, interfaces can be made via files, databases, and web services.

The tool is so powerful we normally do not need to charge for development time, so you will pay only our low cost monthly licence and support fee.

For more information visit our homepage http://www.cibsys.com/ http://www.cibsys.com/cibsys/UK_Products_Tailored_Solutions.html