Manuel Hachenburger warns: The potential danger for the complete world! Physiological terror by telepathy and lightning hypnosis

Everybody can become her victim. Telepathists need no room or time and can influence her wills. This happens very fast and it is not remarked by you they could become the "tool" of the telepathist so! Often used and for the fighting the opponent employed of secret services! Your wills are broken for by the concentration of the telepathist. Telepathy is easily learnably and in false hands very dangerous.

The lightning hypnosis also extremist - called method rapidly - is, here still dangerous. She immediately works at a good medium, the somnambulary stage is achieved in split seconds. In this condition the hypnotist can fundamentally change her will. Ones "anchor order", they turn slave of his power. Only he gets this order from you again!

This method is often used at events, but sometimes the experimentees get depressions after that! This one was, hypnotized once everybody can by the hypnotist by audio, be engaged to execute attacks visual effects. You know the concept "sleeper", an "order" remains subconsciously for years until he is capitalized!

What use here the anti - terror - laws telephone and Internet supervision, if such possibilities are used! Innocent be sacrifice and the state punishes the victims.

Which solution does the state, the secret services for the danger defence, the citizen, offer here?

Further information about me under

Manuel Hachenburger
Hochwaldstraße 4
61231 Bad Nauheim
Telephone + telefax
+49 60 32 7 15 63

23.01.2009: | |

Über Hachenburger

Benutzerbild von Hachenburger




Hochwaldstraße 4
61231 Bad Nauheim
Telefon + Telefax
+49 60 32 7 15 63


Personaltrainer, Kryptologie