Travel Greece – When is the Best Time?

Greece is a traveler’s paradise, a fact that more and more travelers are discovering. A prime destination for sun worshipers and partygoers, as well as fans of Greek restaurants, Greek music, Greek history, and Greek mythology, the country seems to have something to offer everyone. But when is the best time to go? Travel Greece in mid-summer and you will almost be guaranteed consistently warm, dry weather. But travel Greece in July and August and the crowds and prices can be overwhelming. Also, if the trip includes exploration such as climbing the acropolis or visiting Greek archeological ruins, the sun can be too intense.

Travel Greece off-season and you will enjoy many advantages. Prices drop after the summer, crowds begin to diminish and the Greek weather is milder. But off-season travel in Greece means that tourists’ resources such as hotels, restaurants and transportation become more and more scarce. Greek weather can be beautiful one day, cold and blustery the next.

Writers from Travels Wise, the Europe Travel Guide , have traveled Greece off-season in order to experience the weather, tourism and infrastructure. Based on first-hand experience, including availability of Greek hotels, Greek restaurants, Greek Ferries and the ideal weather in Greece, Travels Wise concludes that for most people, the best time to Travel Greece is June 1 to July 15 and 15 September until 30 October as Greek weather, prices, infrastructure and crowds are all optimal at that time. But what is it like on a Greek Island before after those dates? For a full review of the pros and cons of off-season travel to Greece, read the review at

About Travels Wise: For information about Travel in Europe consult Travels Wise. Travels Wise has useful information and recommendations about Europe travel

16.01.2007: | |

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